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  • Whats Coming Next
    Google Calendar Integration #1
    Membership Module #2
    Gift Card / Coupons #3
    SMS Integration #4
    Zapier Integration #5
    View More
  • Currently Working
    Progress-Task1Invoice Module #1
    Product Module #2
    Service Packages #3
    Staff Login In Admin Panel #4
  • Custom Form Integration # 8

  • Customer Referral # 11

  • Staff Login In Admin Panel # 19

  • Google Calendar Integration # 1

  • Service Packages # 18

  • Product Module # 17

  • Wallet For Customers # 16

  • More Useful Statistics On Dashboard # 15

  • Mobile App For Manager/Staff Member # 14

  • Email Weekly/Monthly Report To Specified Emails # 13

  • Commission By Product For Staff Member # 12

  • Advance Reports # 10

  • Repeating Appointments # 9

  • Zapier Integration # 7

  • SMS Integration # 6

  • Gift Card / Coupons # 5

  • Membership Module # 4

  • Progress-Task1Invoice Module # 2

  • Staff Login In Admin Panel # 19

  • Service Packages # 18

  • Product Module # 17

  • Wallet For Customers # 16

  • More Useful Statistics On Dashboard # 15

  • Mobile App For Manager/Staff Member # 14

  • Email Weekly/Monthly Report To Specified Emails # 13

  • Commission By Product For Staff Member # 12

  • Customer Referral # 11

  • Advance Reports # 10

  • Repeating Appointments # 9

  • Custom Form Integration # 8

  • Zapier Integration # 7

  • SMS Integration # 6

  • Gift Card / Coupons # 5

  • Membership Module # 4

  • Progress-Task1Invoice Module # 2

  • Google Calendar Integration # 1